Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Phone Message System Need Help With Phone System & Dialing 1 Particular Number, Get Message "your Call Cant Be Completed As Dialed

Need help with phone system & dialing 1 particular number, get message "your call cant be completed as dialed - phone message system

I work in an office approximately 2 weeks, we had a power outtage here after the power came, we realized that the doctor has given "on our speed dial number in our system calls. When we called with the speed and manual we received the message "Your call can not be fulfilled to the letter." So we started with our mobile phones to page doctors, our buyer (phone) s' is approaching, and updated software, but nothing seemed to help. I called Verizon, they know about the problem, said they would confirm a technician on the day of the technology with the name to send, the phone began again, but 4 days after his return to the normal way. Verizon gives me problems, so now tell me it is not the not working phone system, and not any lines, we must eliminate the "market appeal of our lines of sight. It has nothing to do with the request, the restriction to the constraint has been here for 4 years and this problem was just 2 weeks


phyrekis... said...

Call Verizon back. Tell them they have to put up a trouble ticket with the phone company that your doctor treated.

It is a problem of translation between the two numbers that should be corrected. Call restrictions is not something that a phone ridulous a form to help you the phone could be blocked.

Ask a supervisor if necessary, I am 100% sure what the problem is.

Kristoph... said...

What kind of phone system you have? Norstar, Avaya, NEC, Telrad?

How many rows do you / how many doctors?

Is this problem with the front desk in the main console?

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