Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Buying Pepper Spray In Columbus, Ohio Where Do You Buy Pepper Spray?

Where do you buy pepper spray? - buying pepper spray in columbus, ohio

I'm going on a business trip next week, state and city before, and hope that only a little. I think it would be a good idea to have pepper spray, just in case. The little ones can put a bunch of keys?

I've never been able to find a property. Where can I purchase? And it would be good in my luggage?


Imperato... said...

If you do not fly in a position to carry pepper spray with you on the flight. Their reasoning is that the luggage is put under pressure. Since the planes fly so high, it is possible that the ship exploded, so that spray around the inside of your luggage. However, the paint is allowed and other pressure vessels on board. Personally, I think the TSA is just stupid, but then again what can you expect?

They have, however, allow you to wear stun in checked baggage. The only concern I would have to stay the legality of the execution of the Taser in which to. You can view a list of laws can be found here: ...

If you opt for the taser can be tested with a Taser in his hand ... or if you want the deluxe version, you can try a taser C2: http://www. ... To learn more about the abilities of the different types of stun guns you can find in my blog: ... and Hubpages: ...

If stun guns are illegal if they are traveling, or if you have an absolutely positive, then you can try to place an order and send it care of the hotel and you choose to stay too, if arrival. In this case, I recommend the UPS instead of the post. As an added precaution, be sure to indicate in his house so he can check, then sent to the hotel. It is not uncommon for a spraying operation is sent to you, but it is and when you need it, you really need.

If you decide to go the route of pepper spray, you might want to do a little research on the issues. I have written of pepper spray in my blog: ... and Hubpages: ... Not to learn about the types of aerosols, what we are and how to use it best.

Chris said...

It can carry in checked baggage. Certainly not in his future. And I recommend that in any case, a few, especially in a foreign city. There are different types and sizes of pepper spray on the market. You can see many of them in You may wish to modify state laws to ensure that it is in legal ... Hope this helps.

Marry said...

Better products, lower prices, many sizes pepper spray here 20spray%% 20oz/page2

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