Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Largest Number Recorded Thanks To Bush, Are You Aware That The Largest Recorded Number Of Americans Are Currently On Unemployment?

Thanks to Bush, are you aware that the largest recorded number of Americans are currently on unemployment? - largest number recorded

4780000 people and growing.


►BobB◄ said...

and the minimum wage is the largest in history. I see a connection?

Nunya K said...

Wait here. Everything is just peaches and cream with the economy, do not you remember that at its peak was during the Bush administration. Only after the Democrats are crumbling control of Congress, that everything started to. Regardless of the democratically controlled Congress had the power of a lame-duck Bush became president, and nothing that would not happen, it happened.

After the Republicans broke under his own utopian desire to reap the result of the majority of Americans what it has sown.

Clinton also to blame for the signing of NAFTA.

whitefla... said...

The saddest part is that many people do not want to blame this on him. Everyone agrees that happens, so that the denial is over. Well, people still do not have a problem with what he did to the blame on Obama, one of the most hypocritical and delusional thought processes that I have ever seen to make. Hypocrites because these people were the same as saying that all economic problems during the Bush administration blamed the Clinton and the period of the economy are a slight increase for 52 months, was Bush. Obama has been in power for a week and 2 days, and the feeling of guilt falls squarely on him. Delusional because they feel they can somehow solve the problem through tax cuts and less government intervention, that is what is before us in this mess first. We had such a government for 8 years, it is time for them to get a clue?

Oh yes, and it seems people like the depression and unemployment point to the fault of FDR, which is an even bigger laugh. When Franklin Delano Roosevelt introduced the New Deal, onlyOK a few years for him to reduce unemployment by half. Then she managed to cut a wider margin, until he decides that the pressure from the Republicans in Congress as it was, and apply the proposed tax cuts, leading to the great recession in 1937. So the blame falls on the shoulders, and not in the last 3 presidents who direct us to depression through measures that we failed?

tribeca_... said...

The Republican bad economic policy, we have learned at this time. Some people do not criticize his record facts, realize that the percentages are difficult to compare because the method of calculating the number of unemployed has changed. The fact is, as you pointed out, the numbers are rising. And many people who want to work full-time work part time.

We are in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and we must ensure that the protection against this happening again. There will be no wholesale deregulation, lack of dependence on drainage and it pays for what happens to ordinary Americans and not as secure the economic benefits for businesses and wealthy elite.

Coleen said...

The largest real number. But the highest percentage, which is what.
The population grew and the people in the workforce grew like crazy (Why. .. because there are no jobs in the first place)

And if Bush has issued a letter of dismissal on his own business, do not see how it is their fault.

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